Posted by: worklonger | March 25, 2010

Key thinkers that shape my growth

Many years ago, the Lord penetrated my consciousness, changed my life and set me on a different course that has brought me to the place I am today.  There were several significant pastors and Christian authors that have shaped my beliefs and my journey.

Over the past five years or so of reading and personal research the Lord has continued to show me application of my beliefs to my practical personal growth.   He has provided me some significant contributors along the way like Stephen Covey, Michael Gerber, Robert Kiyosaki, Tim Ferriss, Jonathan Fields, David Allen and Jim Loehr.  They each have contributed a lot to my approach for personal growth.

During this time, I occasionally heard the name Tony Robbins but had the impression he was a “motivation guy” with little other substance.  A few months ago, he began to become involved with some of the internet marketing experts I follow.  I began to notice that the things he had to say made sense and explained some things I had not been able to understand clearly before.  So I began to check him out and sure enough, there was a lot of substance there that would explain his popularity.  I began to read his book, “Awaken The Giant Within” last week.  I’m amazed not only how much he knows about what can create progress in our life, but also how clearly he explains it.  It’s been a real eye-opener for me that I feel sure will shape my progress for years to come.

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